Tag: ombudsman bih

International conference It is Time for EQUALITY: Regulation of same-sex partnerships in conservative societies, 22nd of February, 2017.

Regulation of same-sex partnerships in conservative societies was the topic of first panel discussion and the panelists were Gordan Bosanac (Center for Peace Studies, Croatia), Predrag Raosavljević (Institution of Ombudsman B&H), Boris Kešić (Faculty of Law, University of Tuzla, B&H) and Craig Dwyer (YesEquality, Irleand). Emina Bošnjak from Sarajevo Open Centre was moderating the discussion.

Reaction: A Kiss is not a Scandal

Sarajevo Open Centre reacted today to the article published in Dnevni avaz – “Piloti se ljubili na parkingu!?” ([Male] Pilots were Kissing at the Parking Lot!?). Reaction was sent to the Editorial Board of Dnevni Avaz, and an appeal was sent to the Press Council. This case was also reported to the Institution of Human … Continued