Tag: bisexuality

One more way of being – Happy Bisexuality Awareness Week!

“I’m bisexual. There – if I really need to say it out loud and put another label on me! I know that I have always liked guys and girls. Of course, not at the same time. But I can really fall in love, badly! “says M. while we are watching people walking by the city … Continued

LGBT Pride is a Miniumum of Human Resistance

Pride of LGBT people is a counteraction to different forms of oppression, segregation and shame within the families. It is not an egoistic or act of recklessness.

BHDani, April 18, 2014 – Love Does Not Choose…

Piše: Masha Durkalić Biseksualne osobe su dio LGBT zajednice koji se nerijetko zaboravlja pri različitim djelovanjima LGBT aktivizma. Biseksualci/ke, koji/e osjećaju seksualnu i emotivnu privlačnost prema oba spola, često nisu shvaćene ozbiljno kako u heteroseksualnim, tako i u LGBT krugovima, zbog vladajuće predrasude da je njihov seksualni identitet zapravo – faza Mirna (39) je udata … Continued