Regional Conference about Human Rights of LGBTI people – Freedom of Assembly: Human Right or a Privilege?

Sarajevo Open Centre is honored to invite you to attend a thematic conference which will be held on 7th of May 2018. within the framework of the program for 17th of May, the International Day for Combating Homophobia and Transphobia.

We organize this conference to remind the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s and its entities for the obligations that need to be regulated in order to achieve equality of LGBTI persons in BiH society. This one-day conference will be a place to encourage public debate on issues of interest for the LGBT persons and other social groups in BiH.

Conference Freedom of assembly: human right or a privilege? is a one-day conference tackling international standards for protection of freedom of assembly and the practices of countries in region, as well as national legislation and freedom of assembly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regional and local experts on freedom of assembly, representatives of Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) from Warsaw, Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, representatives of national competent institutions, as well as representatives of international and national civil society organizations will take part as the panelists of the Conference.

Note: The costs of food and refreshments are covered for the participants that are coming to the Conference. However, we are not able to cover the costs of accommodation and transport. The translation to English and B/C/S language is provided. We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance to the conference to Sarajevo Open Centre by 4th of May 2018, via e-mail: [email protected] or fax number: +387(33) 551 002.

The Conference is organized by Sarajevo Open Centre with the financial support of the Open Society Fund in BiH.

For more information, please contact us via telephone number +387(33) 551 000, contact persons are Jozo Blažević and Amina Dizdar.

The preliminary agenda of the Conference can be found here.