Universal Periodic Review Recommendations Monitoring Instrument: Proposal by Civil Society Organisations
Universal Periodic Review – Handbook for Civil Society Organisations in BiH
Bodies that Transcend the Binary 2: Research on human rights of intersex children in the healthcare system of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Between the Sexes and Reality: Handbook for Medical and Healthcare Professionals on the Treatment of Intersex Persons
Freedom of Assembly in a maze of Laws: An Analysis of BiH Freedom of Assembly Legislation
The Price of Protests: Freedom of Assembly Practices of the Competent Institutions in BiH
PUBLICATION: What is the Gender of Security?
Pink Report 2020 – Annual Report on the State of Human Rights of LGBTI Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Orange report 5 – Report on the State of the Human Rights of Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2019
PUBLICATION: Representation, representativeness and visibility of female candidates during the 2018 General Election Campaign
Gender Equality: Theory, Law, Policies. Introduction to gender studies for students of social sciences in BiH
PUBLICATION: Shadow Report for the 3rd Universal Periodic Review on the state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina