
Theatrical reading of Srđan Sandić’s texts and conversation with the author, October 4th, Mak

Drama (t)Umor converses with monodrama Zagreb mon amour through polilogues, dialogues and monologues. Mon amour ends where (t)Umor begins and vice versa. Both dramas revolve...

Numbers that tell the story of LGBT persons in BiH

This article was published on In the edition Ljudska prava of Sarajevo Open Centre (SOC) a publication titled Brojevi koji ravnopravnost znače was published....

SOC in action

Training Women’s Activism and Human Rights of LGBT Persons in BiH As a part of the “Coming out! Advocacy and protection of rights of LGBT persons” Sarajevo Open Centre has,...

Coming out of the closet! Call for gay coming out and personal stories

Sarajevo Open Centre invites all gay, bisexual and trans* man to send their personal, coming out or art stories, photographs, drawings or artwork in other visual forms. Context...

Review of the “LGBT Glossary” in “Oslobođenje”

Glossary of fifty-seven phenomenona of LGBTTIQ culture Author: Ivan Šunjić Review of the book: Jasmina Čaušević/Saša Gavrić (editors, 2012): Pojmovnik LGBT kulture....