Coming out! project
Heinrich Böll Foundation, BH Office, together with partner organizations Sarajevo Open Centre and CURE Foundation, implements a project financed by European Union – “Coming out! Advocating protection and promotion of the LGBT rights”.
Main goal of this project is to advocate for the protection of the rights of one of the most discriminated against and invisible groups in BH society – LGBT persons.One of the objectives of the project is to understand the roots of homophobia, and to diminish it.
A special focus will be directed toward sensibilisation of the public officials working in the cetors of: interior, judiciary, health and education, but other target groups as journalists and representatives of the civil society organizations.
The project includes organizing trainings, round tables, advocacy and media campaigns in order to raise the visibility of LGBT issues. Central part of the project present different research and the regional conference on LGBT rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This project will be implemented during 2013 and 2014.
More about activities done as a part of this project can be found here.