
MoI of Canton Sarajevo designated contact persons to work with LGBT people

Sarajevo Open Centre has received a memo from the Ministry of the Interior of Canton Sarajevo regarding the establishment of a position of contact persons, police officers, to...

Oslobođ, April 7, 2014 – Training on Criminal Acts Motivated by Hate on SOGI grounds

Trening za policijske službenike iz Odjela krimpolicije (OKP) i dežurne službe u policijskim upravama, Uprave policije MUPKS-a „Krivičnim djelima počinjenim iz mržnje na...

On Hate Crimes in BiH

Author: Edina Sprečaković Can you imagine a situation in which graffiti reading Serbs Should be Hanged or Kill the Fags welcomed you beneath your window? Would you be bothered...

More Than 1000 Police Officers of Canton Sarajevo Will Receive Training on Crimes Against LGBT People

At the premises of the Support Unit of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo, the first two trainings were held on sexual orientation and gender identity as for...

Discrimination and hate crime as a priority for EU

Following the visit of the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Štefan Füle last week to BiH, when he i.a. talked to a broad and diverse group of...

18 cases of hate crime and over 20 cases of hate speech against LGBT people in BiH in 2013

Report Homophobic and transphobic hate crimes and incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data collected from March to November 2013 is the product of the hate crime monitoring and...