
Cooperation with the law enforcement institutions on Federal and State level has started

Sarajevo Open Centre, in cooperation with the Gender Centre of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held a two-day training on the 6th and 7th of October 2016, for...

Train the Trainer program: “The training will help us to appropriately recognize hate crimes”

After the first training that took place from 8th - 9th September 2016 in a series of three two-day Train the trainer trainings, a second two-day training was held from 29th -...

Human rights and intersex people

Translation on B/C/S language: Ljudska prava i interspolne osobe. Tematska publikacija koju objavljuje Komesar za ljudska prava Vijeća Evrope English version: Human rights and...

VIDEO: What to do if you are witness or victim in the case of bias motivated crimes

In order to prevent and combat hatred-motivated crimes, each individual can make his or her own contribution. First of all, we can report these incidents to competent authorities...

Federation of BiH finally adopts hate crime regulation

Six years after Republika Srpska and Brčko District, Federation of BiH also regulated hate crimes through its Criminal Code. The amendments to the Criminal Code of FBiH including...

For the first time an LGBTI inclusive public policy on state level is adopted

Anti-discrimination Action Plan adopted by BiH Council of Ministers The BiH Council of Ministers, the state government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted on April 26th 2016 its...