
Sarajevo Open Centre as part of its program of work has been devoted to the advocacy of new public policies and the implementation of existing ones. Our work focuses on rights of LGBT person and women’s rights, but additionally we work on different human rights and general issues of importance to women and LGBT people.

As part of our advocacy work on the rights of LGBT persons in the period from 2015 to 2017 we will focus on:

  • Monitoring the rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Reporting on the rights of LGBT person, through Pink Report – Annual Report on the Rights of LGBT Persons, and the submissions and reports by domestic institutions and international bodies (ia EU Progress Report, the CEDAW, UPR);
  • legal regulation of the hate crimes and hate speech, and comprehensive introduction of the judiciary and the police on the same;
  • combating discrimination against LGBT people, through changes to existing policies and legislation, the adoption of new and their implementation;
  • legislation and bylaw the access of the rights of trans* persons;
  • legislation and bylaw the rights and obligations arising from the cohabitation of two people of the same sex (life partnership).

The Citizens’ Response to Hate Crime and Homophobic Violence

Art Kriterion Cinema in Sarajevo is a place that promotes independent art, but also a space where many LGBT art events take place. It has been a target of another attack spurred...

It is high time for the Parliament of FBiH’s House of Peoples to adopt the Law on amendments to the Criminal Code of FBiH

Federation of BiH has been urged to adopt regulation to combat hate crimes since 2010, when Republika Srpska and Brčko District adopted it, and it is high time to do...

How to Move Forward: Regional Exchange of Knowledge and Best Practices – EU integration and LGBT rights

Sarajevo Open Centre, with the sponsorship of Višnja Ljubičić, Ombudswoman for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia, is organizing a study visit Croatian Integration in...

Council of Ministers Proposed Amendments to BiH Anti-discrimination Law

The Council of Minister – the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina – adopted on its 36th Session (December 23th 2015) a draft law with amendments to the Anti-discrimination...

Discussion on transgender issue needs to be part of public discourse – Presentation of the first comprehensive transgender study in BiH

On Monday, 07th of December, within Sarajevo Open Centre’s program on the occasion of 16 Days of Activism and the Human Rights Day, public promotion of the publication...


As part of the program for the 16 days of activism, and December 10th, International Human Rights Day, a regional Conference Hate Crime in BiH – Necessary Amendments to the FBIH...