Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Lecture and discussion: Masculinity, Femininity and Sevdah

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, continues with lectures within the third cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Someone said feminism?...

Preview of the lectures at School of Feminism Zarana Papic: June 27, 2015

On Saturday, June 27 there were the last lectures in the first semester of the Feminist School Žarana...

Preview of the lectures at School of Feminism Zarana Papic: June 20, 2015

On Saturday, June 20, from 12am to 17pm, held the lectures in the framework of two modules, which we heard in the first semester of the Feminist School Žarana...

Perspective of the participants of Equality Academy: Damir Arnaut: Equality and a better life are still possible in BiH

This article aims to inform readers about Equality Academy, as the first educational program of this kind in the country. The text consists of two parts, and in addition to...

Perspective of the participants of Equality Academy: Maja Gasal-Vražalica: Behind every successful woman, there are numbers of other successful women!

This article aims to inform readers about Equality Academy, as the first educational program of this kind in the country. The text consists of two parts, and in addition to...

ARS BiH and FBiH Gender Centre responded to the request of the WNBiH regarding the violations of the Gender Equality Law

After Women's Network requested from Gender Equality Agency and Gender Centre of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to examine violations of the for Gender Equality Law on...