Women’s Rights

Sarajevo Open Centre works on raising awareness on the importance of the implementation of ratified international documents, as well as the existing national regulations related to the women’s political participation, security and decision-making process through monitoring, education, informing and discussions with the actors of the process.

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 17th June 2017

On Tuesday, 17 June 2017 the last lectures and discussions at this year’s Žarana Papić School of Feminism took place. The lecturers this time were sexual violence during the...

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 10th June 2017

Miloš Urošević, an activist from the Belgrade from organization Women in black, told attendants and attendees of this year’s Feminist School, Žarana Papić, on Saturday,...

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 3rd June 2017

During last weekend, the participants of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism had a chance to attend lectures done by Bojana Đokanović and Elmaja Bavčić. The two opened the...

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 27 May 2017

During May, the participants of the Feminist School Žarana Papić, attended lectures within the second module – State, Law and Public Policy. Adnan Kadribašić and Miroslav...

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 19 and 20 May 2017

During May, the participants of the Feminist School Žarana Papić, will attend lectures within the second module – State, Law and Public Policy. Adnan Kadribašić and...

SOMEBODY SAID FEMINISM – Poverty and feminism

Fifth Series of Lectures and Discussions SOMEBODY SAID FEMINISM? March-November 2017 Sarajevo Open Centre and Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 organise...