Women’s Network BiH

Logo zenske mreze vektorskiWomen’s Network BiH is an informal group of civil society organizations and individuals who represent and work on women’s rights and encourage gender equality, that promotes anti-discrimination, freedom of decision-making, equality, non-violence and anti-militarism, through acceptance of feminist values ​​of action – peace, solidarity, trust, fellowship, equality and diversity.

Sarajevo Open Centre is one of the most active members, we are a part of the Coordinating Committee of the Network, and administer its website and social networks.

Gender Equality in Municipalities and Cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edita Miftari (2015) Gender Equality in Municipalities and Cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo: CURE Foundation, Sarajevo Open...

Women’s Network BiH Requests Examination of BiH Law on Gender Equality Violation

On the initiative of Sarajevo Open Centre, Women’s network BiH requested examination of BiH Law on Gender Equality violation from the BiH Agency for Gender Equality and FBiH...

Aida Obuća: Women must be much bolder and engage more in political and public life

Aida Obuća was born in 1975. She is a lawyer and one of the few women in Bosnia and Herzegovina that perform a very important and responsible role – she is the president of the...

Review of the Report: Gray area – Abortion issue in Croatia

This is a comment of the report that was the result of the research of the Center for Education, Counseling and Research (CESI). The report deals with the issue of abortion in...

Review of the Report: Neoconservative threats to sexual and reproductive rights in the European Union

This article is a comment on the Report that was a result of CESI's research. The report refers to the activities of neoconservative groups and their political agenda as opposed...

Women’s Network BiH Conference write-up: “2015 as an upheaval year for women’s rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina?”

Women’s Network Conference “2015 as an upheaval year for women’s rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina?” was held on 22nd December 2014 in Sarajevo...