Klix: 350 hate crimes were committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina last year
Run for East – Sarajevo, Sarajevo open centre
BH Dani: Discriminations starts in political parties
BH Dani: Freedom In all countries of the region the number of hate crime increasing; In BiH drastically! OSCE/ODIHR published data on hate crimes for 2013
BH Dani: BH Women for a long time knows about themselves
BH Dani: Women have no real political power
Portal Brcko TV: Regional cooperation in the fight to protect the rights of LGBT people
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Women’s Network BiH has submitted the request to all political parties for the full implementation of the Gender Equality Law
BH Dani – Interview: Saša Gavrić: BiH is behind in all areas!
BH Dani – Interview: Boris Dittrich: The future is not in front of us, it is within us