Political parties and LGBT persons – which ones are supportive?

naslovnica politickih partijaAfter research in sectors of judiciary, education and internal affairs, fourth report – Prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini: Političke partije (Rights of LGBT Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Political Parties) – done as a part of project Coming out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights, financed by European Union and implemented by Heinrich Boell Foundation – BH Office, together with partner organisations Sarajevo Open Centre and CURE Foundation, is published with the goal of acquiring in-depth knowledge of the vision, explanations and activities when political parties address, or – more accurately – get in touch with this topic.

Fourth report offers a description of the BH society context in which LGBT persons are situated, with the emphasis on the segments which are related the most to the LGBT persons, as well as the overview of the BH political system. The programs of political parties are also shown in the context of LGBT topics, as well as used methodology of the research, analysis of the results, and recommendations.

This analysis shows that the awareness of the political subjects on the existance and needs of LGBT persons in the society is on a very low level. Political parties (except Naša stranka) don’t offer any space to LGBT persons/topics in their internal documents (statute, political and election programme). Big political parties (regardless of the ideologic orientation) are motivated by the interest of gaining political power, i.e. getting more votes, and are neglecting almost all marginalized groups, including LGBT persons.

Besides stating the problems, this publication offers concrete recommendations in order to sensitize politicians towards the needs and problems of LGBT persons. One of the main activities on the way of achieving this goal is organizing seminars and workshops which raise the awareness on the existance of LGBT persons, which would represent first step towards accepting these persons as equal members of BH society.

Publication (in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian) can be downloaded here.