
SOC Equality Demands – What Are The Requests Regarding LGBTI Rights in BiH?

Sarajevo Open Centre presents you with the infographic that points out the requirements of what we are looking for when it comes to the state of human rights of LGBTI people in...

The Second Educational Workshop “Seeking Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”

Sarajevo Open Centre invites you to the second educational workshop on legal aspects of migration and asylum based on sexual orientation and gender identity, named "Seeking asylum...

Overview of the rights of mothers in BiH: What are the differences between the cantons?

A recent debate in the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the amendment to the Federation budget according to which the funds for salary increase of 4.5% in...

There are laws, but legal protection in practice is missing

The number of incidents potentially motivated by prejudice, that are reported to the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is at least 175. the reported incidents most often include...

Working-class women, then and now – discussion on the occasion of International Women’s Day

The political system and the current social moment, in which the workforce functioned, changed significantly. The working class, unfortunately, is no longer a class, but a...

Sarajevo Open Centre Appealed the Gender Centre of FBiH and The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman Regarding the Dress code of the University of Mostar

Considering that the Dress code rulebook of University of Mostar Law violated the Ani-Discrimination Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Gender Equality Law of BiH Sarajevo Open...