Info session: How important coming out of LGBT people is?
Sarajevo Open Centre for two years now organizing info sessions for journalists in BiH. Journalists will have the opportunity to meet and talk with the guests from the country and the region, who are on different ways dealing with LGBT issues through theory, practice and activism.
Although coming out is used to denote the disclosure of one’s identity based on sexual orientation to others, it is also about the self-realization, and coming to terms with one’s own homosexuality. After the acceptance of homosexuality/bisexuality or being transgender, most people have the need to talk about their feelings, thoughts, and needs to other people, significant in their life.
Straight people do not have to worry about the coming out process, because their sexual orientation: who they date, love and marry is socially implied. Lesbians and gays, on the other hand, do not have that privilege. Because of their silence, their orientation is also implied as heterosexual, and such behaviour is also expected of them.
Guest on the info session is Croatian writer Mima Simić.
coming outcoming out of the closestPrava LGBT osoba