Conference “Towards Gender Non-Binary Language Practices” on September 22 in Sarajevo

Sarajevo Open Centre invites you to the conference “Towards Gender Non-Binary Language Practices” on September 22 in tershouse, Sarajevo (Kolodvorska 9 street).

In 2023, the Sarajevo Open Centre started researching the language of gender non-binary (genderless) and gender-fluid people and the linguistic practices of people who do not classify themselves and refuse to be classified exclusively as male or female. Since gender non-binary people exist, the language must adequately reflect that fact. The current reality is that gender non-binary people feel uncomfortable expressing themselves in their mother tongue because they are invisible in it and therefore use English more often.

Because of all this, we are organizing a conference to hear different perspectives on gender-neutral language and to offer some solutions that can be helpful to the media, the translation profession, non-binary people, and everyone else. The papers presented at the conference will be available in the publication, in which lexical and stylistic guidelines for non-binary people will be proposed, as well as for people who write, translate, work in the media, etc.

Agenda of the conference is available in BCS language here.

Please confirm your participation in the conference by e-mailing, no later than September 19 by the end of the working day.