PUBLICATION: What is the Gender of Security?

The second volume of the “What is the Gender of Security?” series was created in partnership with The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina in support of established and emerging practitioners and academics to provide important analysis on the engagement of women in the security sector and other relevant topics pertaining to gender and security.

The publication presents the state of gender equality in Bosnia and today. Experts have looked into different fields such as statistics, legal and policy frameworks, structures and operations of armed and police forces, as well as into the country’s communities, to assess the impact of the measures undertaken to eliminate gender inequality, improve the position of women and girls and prevent the escalation of conflicts and violence.

The recommendations contained in this report should inspire readers to take further action to advance gender equality in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Editors: Amila Ždralović, Mirela Rožajac-Zulčić, Saša Gavrić

Download publication in English language HERE.

Download publication in BCS language HERE.