Overview of the lecture of the School of Feminism, 27 April 2019

On Saturday, 27 April, in the scope of the Module 1, Selma Kešetović, MA in gender studies and a writer, talked about the diversity and disputes within the feminist theory and practice. Selma dedicated the lecture to understanding and critical review of the key dissent points of the various waves of feminism, on different social phenomena, respectively on the key subject matters of the feminist thought and action, like sexuality/body (pornography, prostitution, violence, child birth, abortion), power, equality/diversity, oppression/patriarchy, care, femininity/masculinity, reproduction etc. and Sandra Zlotrg lectured about feminist linguistics.

The realisation of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism is being financially supported by the Swedish Government via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).