Hate Crime: Train the Trainer programme for the police is started in Federation of BiH

1Many new work challenges are ahead of us in autumn, and among many we are continuing with education for police officers of Cantonal MoI’s and representatives of the Police Academy of the Federation of BiH, on the topic of hate crime issues.

After last year’s basic trainings on bias motivated crimes for police officers from all Cantonal MoI’s, that we have organized, we have also in the previous period successfully negotiated that all of Cantonal MoI’s include a module on hate crime issues in its Permanent education program for 2017. All Cantonal MoI’s gave their consent. Police officers who undergo this years Train-the-Trainer program on “hate crime issues”, will continue in 2017, to adequately educate their colleagues through Permanent education programme.

During the period of 8th to 9th of September 2016 the first two-day training on Jahorina was held, as a part of series of three Train the Trainer programme trainings which we will organize this year. The main objective of the first two-day training was to train police officers to transfer their knowledge and skills to other colleagues, which includes efficient preparation, implementation and evaluation of teaching. One of the aims was that police officers acquire basic knowledge and skills of group facilitation, creating/designing and implementing classes to master coaching and develop presentation skills. Expected results of the training were for participants to acquire basic knowledge on different learning techniques and on key competences for lifelong learning, so they are trained and ready for self-assesment of their coaching skills, they are motivated to prepare, design and perform lectures. Trainer on this first two-day training was Dušanka Pribičević-Gelb, a lecturer at the Police Academy in Zagreb.

Just as the trainings that took place last year, as well as this year, Train the Trainer programme about “hate crime issues” will be organized by Sarajevo Open Centre on behalf of the Coalition for Combat Against Hate Speech and Hate Crime in partnership with OSCE Mission in BiH. These trainings are organized within the project “Fighting Hate Crime in BiH”, funded by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna.