Woman as a shock-worker, laborer and comrade – and this all at once

DSC_0723The fourth cycle of lectures and feminist discussions Somebody said feminism, organised by the Sarajevo Open Centre and Friedrich Ebert Foundation in B&H, started on 15 March 2016 with the lecture by Andreja Dugandžić and Adela Jušić, on the matter of the Report on execution of the first Five-year plan, in the Historical Museum B&H.

Written by: Masha Durkalić

Andreja Dugandžić and Adela Jušić are the authors of the web page www.afzarhiv.org – online Archive of Antifascist struggle of women of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia. The story about the Archive is related to the beginnings organisation CRVENA, whose members are Andreja and Adela. The lecture was about their struggles and efforts in setting up this online Archive and about the importance of the Antifascist front of Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia for shaping the contemporary women’s movement in B&H.

The full text, including the video from the lecture and discussions, is available in the B/C/S version of this text.