What is hate crime

stop_hate_crimeHate crime is the nam for all criminal acts which have been committed because the perpetrator felt the intolerance towards the victim or victims because of their real or assumed sexual orientation and/or gender identity and their connection to/with LGBT persons.

Persons who have decided they want to report a hate crime motivated by sexual orientation and/or gender identity, whether they are victims or witnesses of that crime, they can report to

Sarajevo Open Centre an independent, non-partisan and non-profit organisation that works on raising the awareness of LGBT persons about their rights and mechanisms of protection and provides free legal counseling to LGBT persons in cases of violations of their rights, discrimination and hate crime. For more information, you can call: 033/200 – 073, 062/123-561 or write to: [email protected], as well as anonymously fill out an online hate crime form: http://lgbt-prava.ba/pravno-savjetovanje/zlocin-iz-mrznje/;

– or directly to the police – by personally going to the police station, via e-maila or fax, or by calling 122, a phone line available 24/7 and unique for the whole territory of BiH.

Read more about hate crime in BCS here.