Tag: october

17th ILGA EUROPE Annual Conference, Zagreb, October 24-27 2013

ILGA-Europe’s seventeenth Annual Conference named Family matters! Reaching out to hearts and minds will take place in Zagreb on 24-26 October 2013. The Conference consists out of 35 workshops, and meetings which can be organized during the conference or in the participants’ free time. Almost 250 representatives of LGBTI organizations from 42 member countries will … Continued

Federalna.ba, October 11, 2013 – Info session about LGBT themes

U Sarajevu je održana info sesija o LGBT temama. To je ove godine sedmi skup ovakve vrste, a propituju se LGBT teme kroz teoriju, praksu i aktivizam. Video možete pogledati ovdje. U organizaciji Sarajevskog otvorenog centra i Internewsa održana je info sesija za medije. Sedma u nizu, od ukupno osam planiranih za ovu godinu, održana … Continued