Tag: human rights

Human rights of LGBT People in B&H: New Approaches? Current situation and guidelines for future actionsof institutions and civil society

Saša Gavrić (2014) Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Trans* People in Bosnia and Herzegovina:New Approaches? Current situation and guidelines for future actionsof institutions and civil society Prava lezbejki, gejeva, biseksualnih i trans*osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini: novi pristupi? Trenutno stanje i smjernice za buduće djelovanje institucija i civilnog društva Sarajevo: Sarajevski otvoreni centar

Alternative Progress Report has been sent to all BiH institutions and to the EU

Initiative for the monitoring of European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina has published the second Alternative Report on the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of EU integration. The report, which production was coordinated by Sarajevo Open Centre as a coordinating member of the Initiative, is a joint effort of dozens of individuals and organizations in an endeavor to depict the current situation in the country.

Guide for Police Officers for the Protection of the Human Rights of LGBT Persons

Vladana Vasić, Edina Sprečaković (2013) Jednaka zaštita za različitost. Priručnik o postupanju u slučaju kršenja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba za policijske djelatnike_ice. Sarajevo: Fondacija CURE, Fondacija Heinrich Boell – Ured u BiH, Sarajevski otvoreni centar. PDF version (B/C/S): Jednaka zaštita za različitost. Priručnik o postupanju u slučaju kršenja ljudskih prava LGBT osoba za policijske djelatnike_ice

EC Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress Report: discrimination of LGBT persons still widespread

Yesterday, European Commission issued a so called Enlargement Package which includes Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Progress Report. The report has showed the current situation in the EU integration process and its limited progress in reaching political criteria, as well as sectors which need evident improvement. Enlargement Package is a set of European Comission’s documents which … Continued