Short bios of participants of the Equality Academy

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From 22 to 24 May this year in Sarajevo, the first of five three-day modules of the Equality Academy will be held. By launching the Equality Academy, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Sarajevo Open Centre are trying to make a new platform for political leadership and space for joint action of representatives, leaders of political parties and civil society organizations, and below you can read short biographies of participants of our Academy.

Tatijana Čičić-Odžaković is member of the Women’s Forum of the Party of Democratic Progress (PDP). She is not a member of state goverment.

Meliha Lekić is a vice president of the Main comitee of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). She is not a member of state goverment.

Arijana Aganović is an executive director of Boris Divković Fondation. She is a member of Naša stranka. Her function in party is to educate party members about the most important issues. She is not a member of state government.

Kenela Zuko is president of FATMA Association, member of Local committee and Executive committee of the Municipal committee of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) in Vogošća. She is a representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Federation of BiH, and she is Deputy President of the Commission for Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Federation of BiH.

Vildana Bešlija is a member of the Presidency of Naša stranka, she is a councilor in the Municipal council Novo Sarajevo.

Maja Gasal- Vražalica is a member of Democratic front party (DF). She is a representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH. She is a member of the Gender equality Commission of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Lejla Imamović is a member of the Municipal committee of the Democratic front party (DF) in Visoko. She is a Delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH, and she is a representative in the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj canton.

Draženka Subašić is a member of the Municipal committee of the Democratic front party (DF) in Zenica. She is a president of the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj canton.

Lazar Prodanović is a member of the Main committee of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), and a president of the Municipal committee of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats. He is representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Dušica Savić is a portparol of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), she is a member of the Main and Executive committee of the party. She is a president of the Women’s active of Municipal committee of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats. She is a member of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska and a member of the Committee on Equal Opportunities of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska.

Alma Kratina is a president of the Cantonal committee of the Democratic front party (DF) of the Zenica-Doboj canton. She is a representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH.

Aida Obuća leads the Association of women of the Party of Democratic Action (SAD) in Goražde. She is a president of the Assembly of the Bosnia-Podrinje canton.

Eita Velić is a member of the Democratic front (DF). She is a representative in the Assembly of the Bosnia-Podrinje canton.

Bajić Selma is a secretary of the Canton committee of the Youth forum of the Social Democratic party (SDP) in Sarajevo, she is also a member of the Main committee of the party. She is not member of state government.

Neira Avdilabegović is a member of Democratic Front (DF), she is a representative in the Assembly of Canton Sarajevo.

Anita Batarilo is a member of Croatian Democratic Union BiH (HDZ). She is a representative in Canton 10.

Damir Arnaut is a vice president of Party for a Better Future BiH (SBB), he is also executive director and legal counsel of the party. He is a representative in the House of representatives of Parliamentary Assembly of BiH

Marijana Lončar is a Secretary of the Assembly of Canton 10. She is not party member.

Jasna Lukić is a member of Main committee of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD). She is a member of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska.

Lemana Terzimehić is a member of Main committee of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), member of Municipal committee of the Social Democratic Party Novo Sarajevo, and a member of the Presidency of the Municipal committee SDP BiH Novo Sarajevo. She is not a member of state government.

Bojana Vasiljević- Poljašević is a member of Women’s active of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) in Doboj. She is not member of state government.

Jasna Duraković- Hadžiomerović is a member of Party for a Better Future BiH (SBB). She is a representative in the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation BiH, and a president of the Commission for Gender equality of the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation BiH.

Nermina Zaimović- Uzunović is a member of Main committee and a president of Women’s forum of of Social Democratic Party (SDP). She is not a member of state government.

Vjekoslav Bakula is a vice president of Croatian Democratic Union 1990 (HDZ 1990). He is a representative in the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH.

Edina Hrustić is member of Party for Better future BiH (SBB). She is a representative in the Assembly of Central Bosnia canton, she is also a president of the Commission for Gender equality of the the Assembly of Central Bosnia canton.

Jusufović Munib is a member of Party for Better Future BiH (SBB). He is representative in the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH. He is a president of the Commission for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms of the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH.

Uma Isić is working in Central Election Commision of BiH. She is not a party member.

Mira Ljubijankić is a member of Social Democratic Party (SDP). She is a representative in the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation BiH.

Vesna Švancer is a member of the Party for Better Future of BiH (SBB). She is a representative in the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation BiH. She is a member of the Commission for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms of the House of representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of the BiH.

Irhana Čajdin is a member of Main committee of the Social Democratic Party BiH (SDP). She is councilor in the Municipal council Bugojno.

Avdić Nedžada is a member of the Main committee of the Democratic front (DF) in Tuzla. She is a representative in the Assembly of Canton Tuzla.

Irma Marić is a member of the Main committee of the the Social Democratic Party BiH (SDP), member of the Municipal committee and the Presidency of the Social Democratic Party Novi Grad, Sarajevo. She is also a member of the Main committee of the young european socialists. She is not member of the state government.