The Law on Ombudsman for Human Rights

The three laws that SOC worked on are in the legislative procedure in the BiH Parliament

The session of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H is scheduled for Tuesday, 5 April 2016, and in addition to several other draft laws the three...

BiH Parliament: The election process for the new Ombudspersons moves on!

As a result of our interventions we can conclude that at the yesterdays session (July 1st 2015) Rules of procedures were adopted that include almost all amendments that the...

Proposal for amendments to the Procedures on the election of the three ombudspersons in BiH

The Initiative for Monitoring European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina has submitted amendments to the Procedure of the ad-hoc committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of...

Members of the Initiative seek the participation of civil society in the process of appointment of the three Human Rights Ombudsmen in BiH

On 12 May, members of the Initiative for monitoring the European Integration Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a letter to the Chairman and members of the Interim Joint...

Initiative for EU monitoring is working on proposals for the reform of the Ombudsman Institution

These two-day consultations were aimed at informing the members of the Initiative on European law, EU integration, the mechanisms for the protection of human rights, independent...