Hate Crime

Coalition for combat against hate speech and hate crime appeals to media and public officials

Coalition for combat against hate speech and hate crime condemns further creation of climate of fear, through reckless and inappropriate statements and speculations of public...

Submission to the 2014 ODIHR Hate Crime Report: number of hate crimes towards LGBT activists has increased

Sarajevo Open Centre has made its contribution to this report by submitting all the relevant data on hate crimes on the ground of sexual orientation and gender identity documented...

Step forward in proper recognition of bias motivated crimes

Training for the improvement of the capacity of police officers was held on 25th of March in Zenica. The goal of education was to present participants with cases of bias motivated...

Education on Hate Crime for Police Officers Continues

In the past two years, Sarajevo Open Centre has organized individual trainings, and participated in the program of permanent education for police officers in the community in...

Adequate response to bias motivated crimes through education for apprentices

As a part of the project „Fighting Hate Crime in BiH“, financed by Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the OSCE in Vienna and implemented by Sarajevo Open...

Announcement of the Training for apprentices of Criminal Departments within Courts and Prosecutions on subject: “Hate crimes”

This training is part of a series of trainings and educations which will be continued in the upcoming two years period, in order to strengthen capacity and knowledge of people who...