Women’s Network BiH

Logo zenske mreze vektorskiWomen’s Network BiH is an informal group of civil society organizations and individuals who represent and work on women’s rights and encourage gender equality, that promotes anti-discrimination, freedom of decision-making, equality, non-violence and anti-militarism, through acceptance of feminist values ​​of action – peace, solidarity, trust, fellowship, equality and diversity.

Sarajevo Open Centre is one of the most active members, we are a part of the Coordinating Committee of the Network, and administer its website and social networks.

Write-up from the workshop on strengthening the capacity of WNBiH – Monitoring of women’s rights in BiH

Within the project “Improvement of women’s human rights by strengthening the Women’s Network BiH”, implemented by the CURE Foundation and the Sarajevo Open Centre, and...

In forming the new Government of Republika Srpska half of BiH citizens were ignored!

The Initiative for the monitoring of EU Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Women's Network, warns: In forming the new Government of Republika Srpska half of BiH citizens...

House as a daily front of the struggle

Taken from: zenskamreza.ba By: Masha Durkalić Photos: Association for Culture and Arts “Crvena”/Danijela Dugandžić-Živanović In the Historical Museum of Bosnia...

Women’s Network BiH condemns the SDP’s proposal to shorten maternity leave

Women's Network strictly condemns this statement which, above all, violates basic women's, and children's rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Convention of...