Program for 10th of December – International Human Rights Day

10805691_664948656958743_3016781664084579465_nPROGRAM FOR 10TH OF DECEMBER –





1st to 31st of December 2014; Bosnia and Herzegovina

Media campaign (video and series of articles)

Media campaign on the occasion of International Human Rights Day


As a part of the campaign on marking the International Human Rights Day, organized by SOC and Mediacentar, a short vidio on freedom of assembly of LGBT people will be shown. In addition, this campaign will also include series of articles about the respect of freedom of assembly of LGBT people in BiH and the region.

3rd to 16th of December 2014; Sarajevo and East Sarajevo


Are you tolerant of all colors? Intolerance and discrimination are meaningless. Homophobia also.


As a part of the Coming Out! Advocacy and protection of the rights of LGBT people project, implemented by Heinrich Böll Foundation, Office to Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with partner organizations – Sarajevo Open Centre and CURE Foundation, billboards in Sarajevo and East Sarajevo will be posted during the period from 3rd to 16th of December in order to raise awareness about the problems that intolerance, discrimination and homophobia are causing.

4th and 5th of December 2014 (Thursday and Friday)

Banja Luka, Hotel Bosnia, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića Street 97

Regional Conference

Impact of EU Integration on Respect and Protection of the Human Rights of LGBT People

Participation only with prior registration.


The conference Impact of EU Integration on Respect and Protection of the Human Rights of LGBT People will be organized by Sarajevo Open Centre, in collaboration with Mediacentar Foundation Sarajevo. Participants will discuss the impact of EU integration on the human rights of LGBT people, as well as the involvement of The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman/Ombudsmen of BiH, the police, prosecutors and courts to combat violations of human rights of LGBT people.

10th to 15th of December 2014; Bosnia and Herzegovina

Promotional material

Diverting public attention to the violation of human rights of LGBT people


In the period from 10th to 15th of December, Sarajevo Open Centre activists will have a street action and share promotional materials that draw attention to the violations of LGBT human rights in BiH. The material will contain powerful messages about the current state of LGBT human rights in BiH. The material will be distributed to the partner organizations and LGBT groups in Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla.

9th of December (Tuesday), 6pm;

Sarajevo, Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts, Sime Milutinovića-Sarajlije Street 7

The series of lectures: Someone said feminism?

Erotica in Classic Yugoslav Film

Lecturer: Nebojša Jovanović


The last lecture in the second cycle of Someone said feminism?, organized by Sarajevo Open Centre with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with the media support of DANI magazine, brings the theme of erotica in classic Yugoslav film that Nebojša Jovanović will talk about. The lecture will discuss the ambiguity of eroticism as love, romantic narrative and visual representation of sex, about how the body was gradually exposed in film.

16th of December (Tuesday), 11am; Sarajevo, Cafe Meeting Point

Info session for the media

Why LGBT couples from Bosnia and Herzegovina go to Croatia to register same-sex partnerships?

Speaker: Marko Jurčić


A few months ago, Croatia adopted the Civil Partnership Act, which allows same-sex couples all the rights enjoyed by heterosexual married couples, except the right to adopt children. What is this law? How did it come about? What is the procedure of registering life partnership, and what this law means for LGBT people from Bosnia and Herzegovina? The speaker will be Marko Jurčić (Zagreb Pride Association) who participated in the working group for drafting the law. All media are invited to attend the info session.

18th of December (Thursday), 8pm; Federal Television

A documentary, directed by: Can Candan, 82 min

My child


The film tells personal stories of parents of LGBT children and LISTAG Association (Association of Families of LGBT people in Istanbul), an organization that was founded in 2008. Since 2008, the LISTAG Association gave thousands of interviews to media in order to raise awareness on homophobia and transphobia and to offer assistance to families with similar experiences. However, they felt the need to create a documentary because, in this homophobic and transphobic society, it is very important that as many people as possible hear these stories.

Program in PDF format can be downloaded here.