Orange report 5 – Report on the State of the Human Rights of Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2019

After a three-year break we are publishing Orange report, a report on the state of human rights of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report covers issues related to violence against women, conflictrelated sexual violence, sexual and reproductive health rights, harmonizing private and work life and participation of women in politics, as well as position of women and gender equality in education, workforce and sports.

Orange report 5. Report on the state of human rights of women in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 2016-2019 is a result of Sarajevo open centre’s team members’ work on human rights of women and gender equality. The report provides insight into legal and institutional framework created to ensure gender equality in bh. society and how its lacks lead to violation of human rights of women. Furthermore, the report provides concrete recommendations for its improvement.

Authors: Delila Hasanbegović, Amina Dizdar, Nejra Agić

Report in english language: Orange report 2016-2019

Report in B/H/S language: Narandžasti izvještaj 2016. – 2019.