
LGBTI People in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Have Also Been Assigned a Contact Person in the Prosecutor’s Office for Cases of Hate Crimes Against LGBTI People

Great progress was made in the work with the judiciary in just a few months. Following the Una- Sana Canton, a contact person in the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of...

A Contact Person for Cases of Hate Crimes Against LGBTI People Has Been Appointed in the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of Una-Sana Canton

Our efforts to sensitise the judiciary and educate legal experts on the rights of LGBTI people have resulted in the appointment of another contact person in the prosecutor’s...

Training in Prijedor for LGBTI Community: The Importance of Mental Health Care

As part of the project funded by the European Union “Regionalising LGBTI inclusive psychosocial support and access to mental health services in Bosnia and...

Preparations for Proposing Public Policies to Improve Transgender Health Care in BiH

On June 10 and 11, 2022, the Sarajevo Open Centre and a transgender advocacy group with their parents held a working meeting in Sarajevo with health care institutions in Bosnia...

We Educate LGBTI People from Local Communities About the Importance of Mental Health Care

As part of the project “Regionalising of LGBTI inclusive psychosocial support and access to mental health services in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, funded by the European...

Training for the LGBTI Community in Mostar on the Importance of Mental Health Care

As part of the project funded by the European Union “Regionalising LGBTI inclusive psychosocial support and access to mental health services in Bosnia and Herzegovina...