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RadioSarajevo: Sexual education in Bosnia and Herzegovina – the way of protection from violence

Read the text from the on peer violence (only on BCS language). The text was created within the project “Reducing bullying in BH schools”. This project is...

One More Success: Every Cantonal Ministry of Internal Affairs Educated their police officers about Hate Crime

During 2016, Sarajevo Open Centre was advocating with every Cantonal Ministry of Internal Affairs in Federation of BiH to include hate crime modules into their permanent and...

Interview with Who Takes Care of the Rights of Workers?

Dissatisfaction, unfairness and inequality in the work place raise many questions, concerns and problems that workers have the need to talk about and solve them. One way to do...

Peer violence based on diversity: experiences and recommendations

Author: Slobodanka Dekić Sarajevo, Sarajevo Open Centre 2018. MEĐUVRŠNJAČKO NASILJE NA OSNOVU RAZLIČITOSTI: ISKUSTVA I PREPORUKE Available in BCS...

No women in the Council of the BiH Communications Regulatory Agency?

The Council of the BiH Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA), as many other institutions and government bodies in BiH, still does not reflect the equal representation of the...

Overview of the lectures at the School of Feminism: 23rd June 2018

On Saturday, June 23 2018, the last lectures and discussions at this year’s Žarana Papić School of Feminism took place. Amila Ždralović talked about feminism, liberalism and...