
Cost Assessment of Gender Reassignment: Recommendations for Improving the Legal and Medical Approach to Transgender Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

We publish the policy paper from the Human Rights Papers Edition - "Cost Assessment of Gender Reassignment: Recommendations for Improving the Legal and Medical Approach to...

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Conversations about brave women who disagreed with blind obedience and who were defying the rules of the environment in which they lived and struggled for better opportunities...

Monitoring of the Implementation of Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec (2010)5 on Measures to Combat Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

We publish the report "Monitoring of the Implementation of Committee of Ministers' Recommendation CM/Rec (2010)5 on Measures to Combat Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual...

Medical Aspects of Gender Reassignment: Manual for medical professionals and healthcare workers on providing services and support to trans persons in the transition process

We publish the publication "Medical aspects of Gender Reassignment: Manual for medical professionals and healthcare workers on providing services and support to trans persons in...
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RadioSarajevo: How to protect children from peer violence: a vicious circle?

Read the Azra Islamagić Mulahmetović text from the on peer violence (only on BCS language). The text was created within the project “Reducing bullying in BH...

BiH Roma Women of New Generation

These three girls are educated, accomplished and have careers they began to build. But does not that right belong to all of us? The three of them made a step forward and are very...