
Public Call for Enrolment of the Ninth Generation of Students of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism in 2025

Through Žarana Papić School of Feminism, Sarajevo Open Centre has, since 2015, continued the Women’s Studies Programme „Žarana Papić“ that was launched and led by...

Advocating Ban and Abortion Opposition in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Organizations, Initiatives and Individuals

The aim of this publication is to analyze individuals, formal and informal groups, organizations and foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina that oppose the possibility o abortion...

Alternative report on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s progress on the European Union membership path (April 2023 – July 2024)

Throughout 2023 and the first half of 2024, Bosnia and Herzegovina faced a slew of political and economic challenges that diverted decision-makers’ attention away from the...

We Held Three Events on the Topic of Politics and the Rights of LGBTIQ+ People

In September, in anticipation of the 2024 local elections, we actively addressed the issue of politics and the rights of LGBTIQ persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to...

Nine Young Female Activists From Bosnia and Herzegovina Completed a Six-Day School of LGBTIQ Activism

Through our work, we strive to empower LGBTIQ people to fight for their rights through various types of work and activism and also to connect with each other and build a strong...

Research Report on Online Violence and Hate Speech Towards LGBTI Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In today’s digital age, freedom of expression on the Internet is a key element of a democratic society, allowing for broad participation and exchange of ideas. However, this...