INVITATION: Presentation of reports and discussion – The Role of Political Parties in the Advancement of LGBT Rights in BiH Current situation and way ahead
Presentation of reports and discussion
The Role of Political Parties in the Advancement of LGBT Rights in BiH
Current situation and way ahead
Friday, May 15 2015
Mediacentar, Kolodvorska 3
On the ocassion of May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), we cordially invite you to the
Presentation of reports and discussion
The Role of Political Parties in the Advancement of LGBT Rights in BiH
Current situation and way ahead
which will take place in Mediacentar, Friday May 15, 2015, 10 a.m.
In publishing the Pink Report, the only annual report on the state of human rights of LGBT people in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014, Sarajevo Open Centre continues with its intensive advocacy work in the field of LGBT rights. In order to advance the state of LGBT rights in BiH, Sarajevo Open Centre suggests three priority measures that should be taken by the institutions in charge.
We will also present the monitoring of 2014 General Election report in the context of LGBT rights, and give recommendations for the political parties. State MPs and members of gender equality and human rights parliamentary committees will be joined by Mervan Miraščija, Open Society Fund BiH for a discussion on the topic of current relation of political parties towards LGBT human rights, and the possibilities of the advancement of their work in this field.
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00
Presentation of the reports
Pink Report – Annual Report on the State of the Human Rights of LGBT people in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014
Political Parties and the Human Rights of LGBT people: Monitoring of the General Election 2014
Saša Gavrić, executive director, Sarajevo Open Centre
Emina Bošnjak, programme manager, Sarajevo Open Centre, and
11:00 – 12:00
Panel discussion on the role of political parties in the advancement of LGBT human rights in BiH
Moderator: Kristina Ljevak, journalist
Panelists: Maja Gasal-Vražalica, member of PA BiH and the Committee on Gender Equality
Damir Arnaut, member of PA BiH, and the Joint Comittee on Human Rights of PA BiH
Mervan Miraščija, Open Society Fund BiH
Presentation of the report and the discussion are a part of Sarajevo Open Centre’s International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), available at
We are using this opportunity to announce the thematic session of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly on the rights of LGBT people which will take place on May 19. This thematic session is, to our knowledge, the first session of any parliamentary body on any level on the issues related to the human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people in BiH.
Simultanous interpretation to English is provided.
This activity is supported by the US Embassy in BiH and Open Society Fund BiH.
For detailed information, please conact Vladana Vasić:, +387 (0)33 551 000.
A PDF of the Invitation is available here.
lgbt rightsPolitical participation