IDAHO 2013



The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia – IDAHO 2013

On the 17th of May 1992 World Health Organisation (WHO) declassifies homosexuality
as a mental illness in the latest edition of its list of diseases and health problems, the
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. Since
then this day has been marked as an International Day against Homophobia and
Transphobia which emphasises that homophobia and transphobia are harmful and must
be fought against until its logic is destroyed.

Sarajevo open centre is organising the first ever IDAHO media campaign in BiH this

The purpose of this campaign named Neka ljubi ko god koga hoće (Let everyone
kiss whomever they want) is to raise the awareness of the issues LGBT person face.
This campaign aims to indicate the alarming level of homophobia and transphobia in BH
society and to attribute to their decrease. Homophobia and transphobia are present in
the work places, educational system and schools, streets, media and Sarajevo Open
Centre through all of its activities wants to raise the awareness of the public on their
consequences and work on their decrease.
This campaign is just a beginning of our work on combat againsta homophobia and
transphobia and the discrimination and violence they cause which occurs to LGBT
persons almost daily.
Media coverage for the campaign will be provided by the web portals
and, radio stations Radio Sarajevo and Ness radio Banja Luka. Campaign
starts on the 13th
and lasts until 19th of May 2013. Through audio and video messages
from famous and respected individuals from BH society we want to introduce LGBT
rights related topics into media and make them closer to the public thus conveying the
message: Neka ljubi ko god koga hoće!
This campaign was also supported by many individuals on the international level such
as the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Šimonović, the representative of the European parliament Marije Cornelissen, Council of Europe and
many others.
These videos will be published on the web portal
As a part of our campaign we will organise and Info session with journalists whose
participant will be Marina Milković our guest from Croatia and a member of Zagreb Pride
and a co-manager of Queer2Queer workshops in Zagreb. This Info session will be
organised to present the campaign and generally discuss homophobia and transphobia
in BiH and the region and also to present our tender for the professional and ethical
reporting on LGBT topics for the journalists. A workshop for LGBT persond about
Coming out and a discussion on activism in the region will be organised on Saturday.

Video clip you can see on this link.