Announcement of a lecture: Ideological spectrum and the gender issue in political life in BiH

Neko je rekao fenizam_peto predavanje_final_smallSarajevo Open Centre
Second series of lectures

Ideological spectrum and the gender issue in political life in BiH, 28th October 2014, 18h
Speaker: Adis Arapović
Venue: Museum of literature and performing arts BiH, Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije 7, Sarajevo.

We would like to invite you to a new lecture in the second series of lectures Someone said feminism?, which will be given by Adis Arapović on the topic „Ideological spectrum and the gender issue in political life in BiH“. This session will be hosted by Sarajevo open centre with support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and media coverage by Dani magazine.

During the session, relationships between the ideological profiles of the overall political parties and their representatives and the representation of women in decision-making positions, which are positions of power, will be discussed. Has BiH profiled its political spectrum, is there the existence of political/social liberalism and conservatism in BiH and how these questions determine the gender issue in BiH, are some of the questions that will be raised. What is the political power of women in governmental institutions, political parties and public administration – as places of legitimate and institutionalized power? The lack of democracy within political parties determined the suppression of gender issues at the overall social discourse.

About the speaker:

Adis Arapovic holds Master Degree of Political Science and is a PhD student in the field of the theory of political parties and political ideologies. As a long-term activist, analyst and critic of public policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, theoretically and practically, he has specialized in advocacy, policy analysis, electoral systems, political parties, etc. Adis Arapovic has published two books and over 30 scientific, professional and review articles and publications. Currently he is manager at the Centre for Civil Initiatives, one of the most influential civil society organizations in BiH.