Thematic debate on gender representation in the executive bodies

Sjednica-The Commission for Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Agency for Gender Equality and Sarajevo Open Centre, organizes a thematic debate entitled Gender equality and political participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Thematic debate will be held on Tuesday, 22 September 2015, at the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Building (White Hall), Trg BiH 1, Sarajevo, starting at 12:00 p.m.

The objective of this thematic debate is to present the current state of gender representation in the legislative and executive bodies at all levels, in order to determine whether there was a shift in the legislature after the last thematic debate on the political participation of women after the latest amendments to the Election Law which increased gender quotas on candidate lists. Also, for the first time the Commission wishes to hold a discussion about the gender representation in the executive bodies.

Gender component in the laws on the election of the legislative and executive branches of government appointments will be presented, as well as researches conducted by SOC and published in Where are women in governments? Representation of women and men in the executive branch in BiH and How to Achieve 40% of Women in the Legislative Bodies in BiH? An Analysis of the Possible Interventions to the Electoral System of BiH

The letter of invitation in B/C/S languages can be downloaded here.

Agenda in B/C/S languages is available here.