Tuzla: Youth Forum of the Social Democratic Party of BiH Adopted Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

fom-640x330-874x492At the 5th Convention of SDP of Bosnia and Herzegovina, among several significant, adopted The resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity of the Youth Forum of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The resolution obliges the members of the Youth Forum, a series of activities related to the insistence on the implementation of the Law on Prevention of Discrimination and the Law on Gender Equality of BiH, advocating LGBT rights through the implementation of ideological and political programs, training and sensitization of members, and cooperation with NGOs organizations and activities of representatives of SDP BiH authorities, with the aim of combating discrimination, promotion of tolerance, equality of citizens in the process of realization of the rights, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Referring to the Constitution, international treaties, conventions and declarations to which BiH is a signatory, as well as laws, statutes and program documents SDP and the Youth Forum, stressing values, ideological and political commitment to respect all human rights, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity, adopted Resolution confirmed the identity of the young Social Democrats and the social democrat as a progressive force in the democratization process of the Party and society.

Source: sdp.ba