Radio Free Europe: Velickovic: Women in BiH still decoration on electoral lists

28AD070E-2519-4769-BC47-10C83A0FCF9C_cx0_cy3_cw0_w748_r1_sWithin the third series of lecture and feminist discussions “Somebody said feminism?” Sarajevo Open Centre, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Sarajevo, hosted a lecture “Cosmo-policy: dietary feminism women’s magazines” last Thursday.

University professor and writer Nenad Veličković at the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina spoke about the (anti) feminism of women’s magazines, empowerment and emancipation of women, which declaratively, belong to the domain of consumer culture and the general “sexualisation” of modern society.

Complete article available in B/C/S languages here.