International Women’s Day – Between Lost Authenticity, Unbearable Banality and Political Potential


Sarajevo Open Center is inviting you to the ‘Someone Said Feminism?’ lecture

Women’s Day – Between Lost Authenticity, Unbearable Banality and Political Potential
by Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović

Monday, 3rd March 2014, 6 p.m.
Centar za kulturnu i medijsku dekontaminaciju
Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8

lectures provided in BHS languages

Different gender ideologies, in the form negotiating gender or assigning meaning to it, led to the creation of the syntagm of March 8th as a symbol of that which gender equality is in relation to how it should be. Since it is a symbolic holiday, there’s an inherent reduction in the meaning it carries, so it’s necessary to question it and point out its importance, even if it is reduced only to pericipitates. Between the complete coopting of the holiday by the left under the auspices that it’s a class issue more than a gender issue and the tendency to banalize and commercialize it by buying a red carnation „the beautiful field,“ which takes one to a archness of the capitalist patriarchy, it becomes a hybrid discussion. Referring to „the celebrated everyday“ depicts the reality that’s created from the real. Keeping this in mind, we will discuss the constructivism that lies at the heart of March 8th with an accent on the socialist and post socialist period as well as recent interpretations in the context of BiH society.

About the lecturer: Dr. Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović (1975, Vršac) graduated in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. During and after the study she worked in the NGO sector and the local media, and from 2005th was engaged as an assistant at the Faculty of Istocno Sarajevo, where she was graduated with the theme “The Political Culture in the Transition Period.” She has finished her Ph.D. with the theme :”Women’s movement with the post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: achievements, initiatives, controversies.” at The Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade 2013th. She has published more than forty scientific papers in the field of political sociology, political religion, and feminist theory and practice. She was a scholar of the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina under the “Policy Fellowship Development Project”, and engaged in several local and regional studies such as “Religion and Pluralism in Education: Comparative Approaches in Western Balkans”, “Reconciliation and Trust Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina “,” Speech of hate in Bosnia and Herzegovina “,” Parlamentarism in Bosnia and Herzegovina “, ” Coming out: Promoting and protecting the rights of LGBT persons.” She is a assistant editor of the BH magazine “Discourse”.