Training ‘Overcoming the Language of Fear – The Role of Media in Affirmation of LGBT rights’, 22-23 February, 2014

Coming out slika projektWhat is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Is the word faggot offensive? Should journalists have an active role in creating an environment free of homophobia and transphobia? What are the ways in which this can be done?

Sarajevo Open Centre, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, BH Office and CURE Foundation invites all journalists and students of journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina to take part and find the answers to those (and more!) questions in the Overcoming the Language of Fear – The Role of Media in Affirmation of LGBT rights. This training, organized as a part of Coming Out! Advocating promotion and protection of LGBT rights project, and financed by European Union will take place in Konjic, on February 22 and 23, 2014.

The goal of this training is to encourage journalists on their road to better understanding of challenges faced when reporting about LGBT people and issues. Reporting about marginalized groups and about LGBT persons, topics, and issues in professional and ethical way is an important theme, because media are a powerful instrument which can be used to influence attitudes and the behavior of citizens.

Journalists and students of journalism will have the opportunity to practically and interactively learn more about the role of media in affirmation of LGBT rights and sensitization of the general public, deconstruct discourses of marginalization of LGBT persons initiated by the content media produce, together with the experts on media and LGBT activists from BiH and the region. For more information on the content of the training and facilitators, take a look at the agenda of the training.

During the training, media analysis Ka pozitivnim praksama: Izvještavanje medija u 2013. godini o LGBT temama u Bosni i Hercegovini (Towards Positive Practices: BH Media Reporting on LGBT topics in 2013) will be presented to the participants of the training.

The costs for transportation, accommodation and refreshments for the participants are covered. If you are willing to participate, please submit the filled application form to [email protected] latest by February 18, 2014. Number of participants is limited. If you need more information, please contact us at: 033/200-073.