, November 6, 2013 – Theatrical reading of Seven in Mostar tonight

fotke sa sevenaHave a look at the photos from yesterday’s reading of SEVEN in Sarajevo.

Tonight on the stage of the Sarajevo War Theatre (SARTR), for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we presented a dramatic reading of the documentary drama SEVEN.

The hall of SARTR was completely full, and many guests even sat on the floor because interest in this event was so high. A little after 8, Darija Buzaković, Besima Borić, Kristina Ljevak, Tanja Miletić Oručević, Amna Popovac and Selma Spahić appeared on the stage in the roles of Hafsat Abiolu, Annabella de Leon, Mu Sochua, Inez Mccormack, Marina Pisklakova-Parker and Mukhtar Mai, and then started to read their stories.

“I was really amazed by how the public attentively followed everything that happened on the stage, and attentively listened to the stories that we told. The whole time, in the process of working from the very beginning on this project, all the members of the ensemble strongly believed in the importance of this text and its presentation on the stage in our country. And in Sarajevo we got certain confirmation of this. I thank all of you who came tonight to listen to this stories of these seven brave, exceptional women, and I hope that the stage reading of the documentary drama SEVEN in Sarajevo, Mostar, and Banja Luka will encourage many to oppose violence against women and all discrimination in our society,” said Amna Popovac, a member of the ensemble from Mostar, after the performance of SEVEN.

The regional tour of SEVEN was supported by the Swedish Institute in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Serbia.

The Mostar-based director Tanja Miletić Oručević, who read SEVEN on the stage of SARTR, said after the performance: “It was a challenge for me, anyway, to be in a performance, because I am usually in the role of director. The entire process of the performance was very interesting and was really an honor to work with this wonderful women, my colleagues from the ensemble. I am very glad that we will be able to present SEVEN in Mostar, and I really hope that the Mostar audience will recognize the importance of an event such as this and the importance of the stories of these seven women, whose life experiences form the basis of this dramatic text. I am very pleased with the reception of our performance in Sarajevo, and I hope that we will have success on the stage of the Croatian National Theater.”

Turneja scenskog čitanja dokumentarne drame SEDAM po BiH se nastavlja, a večeras će izvedbu ovog scenskog čitanja na sceni Hrvatskog narodnog kazalištas početkom od 20 sati, imati priliku pogledati mostarska publika. Nakon izvedbe u Mostaru, ansambl putuje u Banja Luku, gdje će na sceni Gradskog pozorišta Jazavac nastupati u četvrtak, 07. novembra, od 20h. Ulaz na obje izvedbe je slobodan!

SEDAM je revolucionarna dokumentarna drama koja je bazirana na intervjuima sa sedam aktivistkinja za prava žena, iz svih dijelova svijeta, a čije teške životne priče i borba predstavljaju nevjerovatan izvor inspiracije: Ferida Azizi (Afganistan), Inez Mccormack (Sjeverna Irska), Marina Pisklakova-Parker (Rusija), Annabella de Leon (Gvatemala), Mukhtar Mai (Pakistan), Mu Sochua (Kambodža) i Hafsat Abiola (Nigerija). Svako od čitanja izvodi jedinstveni ansambl sastavljen od istaknutih ličnosti iz različitih oblasti djelovanja.

Turneju scenskih čitanja dramskog teksta SEDAM inicirala je i producirala nagrađivana dramska spisateljica, glumica i producentica, Hedda Krausz Sjögren, u Švedskoj 2008. godine. Drama SEDAM do sada je izvedena u 13 zemalja, a okupila je oko 20 hiljada ljudi, od Švedske do Afganistana. Ovaj dramski tekst na sceni je izvodilo preko 500 osoba, žena i muškaraca, uključujući nekoliko ministrica, članica Evropskog parlamenta, umjetnica, kao i višestruku dobitnicu nagrade Američke filmske akademije Oskar, Merly Streep.

Na osnovu intervjua koji su provedeni 2007. godine dramu SEDAM napisalo je sedam nagrađivanih dramskih autorica: Paula Cizmar, Catherine Filloux, Gail Kriegel, Carol K. Mack, Ruth Margraff, Anna Deveare-Smith i Susan Yankowitz.

Turneju u Bosni i Hercegovini implementiraju Sarajevski otvoreni centar, Ambasada Švedske u BiH i Civil Rights Defenders.