After psychiatrists, the nurses and medical technicians of the Psychiatric Clinic Jagomir also went through the training on human rights of LGBTI persons

After the info session for psychiatrists, the nurses and medical technicians of the Psychiatric Clinic Jagomir in Sarajevo went through two info sessions on human rights of LGBTI persons. The first one took place on 20 November 2017, and the second one on 23 November 2017. The info sessions were educational, aiming at sensitizing the nurses and technicians of this medical institution on human rights of LGBTI persons.

Slobodanka Dekić talked about how it feels to be LGBTI in BiH, and to what extent is violence towards LGBTI persons manifested. The research “Numbers of Equality 2. Research on Problems and Needs of LGBTI Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 – Analysis of Findings” that Sarajevo Open Centre did, showed that LGBTI persons mostly go through psychological difficulties because of the relation of their environment towards them, and the most frequent psychological difficulty LGBTI persons suffer from, is stress. Around 30% of LGBTI persons seek psychological/therapeutic help from an expert, however the most frequent reason for those not seeking help is because they think they don’t need it. Based on this data, it is clear that there is a problem and that is caused by the social relation of the environment towards LGBTI persons.

Naida Kučukalić presented the Guidelines in working with LGBTI persons. There was a discussion on the guidelines that the nurses and medical technicians of this medical institution can apply in their work with LGBTI persons. The nurses and medical technicians stated that the education was informative and useful, and that they would like to participate in such events regarding human rights of LGBTI persons in the future as well.

The half-day info sessions were held in the scope of the project „Building institutional networks of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons in Canton Sarajevo“, financed by the Marginalized Populations Support Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (USAID/PPMG).