How to Move Forward: Regional Exchange of Knowledge and Best Practices – EU integration and LGBT rights

studijska posjeta zgSarajevo Open Centre, with the sponsorship of Višnja Ljubičić, Ombudswoman for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia, is organizing a study visit Croatian Integration in the EU and the Rights of LGBT people to take place on March 2-4, 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia.

The goal of the study visit is the exchange of experience and practices between the relevant representatives of Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of the protection of human rights of LGBT people, in the context of EU integration process. These representatives will include members of legislative and executive branch on state and entity level, members of gender institutional mechanisms, and members of police academies and centres for judicial and prosecutorial training, who will have the chance to discuss the experiences related to the EU integration process and institutional responses specifically linked to the rights of LGBTI people with their Croatian peers. Special emphasis will be given to the practices of overcoming, preventing and protecting LGBTI people from hate motivated violence, as well as to the issues related to economic and social rights of same-sex couples.

Planned meetings/lectures/exchange of practices will be organised with the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality of Republic of Croatia,Croatian Government’s Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities, Croatian Parliament, and the Judicial and Police Academy.

The study visit is financially supported by Open Society Fund BiH.
More information on the programme can be found at this link.