Workshop for LGBT persons held in Banja Luka
During the last weekend of October (27-28), 2012, our second workshop out of ten workshops on human rights of LGBT persons in B&H took place in Banja Luka. During the period of September 2012 – June 2012, ten workshops will be organized in five different towns in Bosnia with the support of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affair’s Matra programme.
The programme of the workshop, introducing the participants to the terminology of sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, gave the chance to the participants to learn through interactive approach more about psychological benefits of coming out and to learn more about human rights of LGBT persons and the ways those rights can be exercised as well as information on whom to contact for the protection and support in the case of discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
This workshop is a part of the project Advocating for the human rights of LGBT persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina which consists of worshops for strenghtening and informal education of LGBT persons about their human rights, reporting on the state of LGBT human rights in B&H and direct legal aid for LGBT persons who haev suffered discrimination and/or violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Next workshop will be organised in Mostar at the end of November 2012. More information coming soon!