What can we expect in the second semester of the Žarana Papić School of Feminism

????????????????????????????????????First semester of Žarana Papić School of Feminism was finished in June. During it, students listened to the lectures from the first two modules: Introduction to feminism: history, concepts, theories and State, law and equality: de jure and de facto.

Another semester begins in September 12. Students will follow lectures from the Module 3 – Culture and ideology that will be taught by PhD in Gender studies Nebojša Jovanović and Professor at Faculty of Philology at University of Banja Luka Danijela Majstorović and from the Module 4 – Feminist ethics and political theory that will be taught by M.A. in Philosophy and Assistant at Faculty of Philosophy at University of Sarajevo Tijana Okić and M.A. in Social sciences and Senior Assistant at Faculty of Law at University of Sarajevo Amila Ždralović. Students will also participate in the activist-advocacy seminar – Feminist intervention that will be lead by Saša Gavrić and Tijana Cvjetićanin who have a lot of experience in advocacy and public work.

Module Culture and ideology will provide an introduction to the complex relationship between forms of power, knowledge and modern criticism. The heterogeneous and eclectic field of cultural studies combines theoretical courses such as Marxism, feminism, poststructuralism etc. When it comes to concepts of culture, ideology, globalization, politics, knowledge and meaning and deals with the personality or identity, and issues of race, class, gender, ethnicity, nation, sexuality, etc., module Feminist ethics and political theory will take into account the international history and debates within feminist theory and feminist movements, and will present them in relation to the problems and challenges facing BiH society. The aim of the module is to underscore the importance of feminist practices, and show why some of feminisms are not necessarily emancipator. The goal will be to point out the different political concepts (and the practical consequences) of different feminisms and feminist theory. Activist-advocacy seminar will be implemented in late November 2015.