Tag: STOPviolenceagainstwomen

BHRT: TV Show Tema dana – Safe Houses in FBiH, 07.03.2016.

On TV Show Tema dana on BHRT channel we talked about the amendments to the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence in FBiH. Through these proposed amendments safe houses that care for women victims of domestic violence would become institutions, rather than being managed by women’s civil society organization. Sabiha Husić, Amela Bašić-Tomić, Jasmina Mujezinović and Saša Gavrić addressed this topic from the perspective of civil society members.

Programme of the Sarajevo Open Centre on the Occasion of “16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence” Campaign and 10th of December – The International Human Rights Day

Over the past twenty four years, the global campaign on 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence was dedicated to public advocacy and coordinated activities that support ending gender based-violence on local and international level. The Campaign was launched on the first Institute for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991 at Rutgers University Dates, 25th of … Continued