Tag: BiH @en

New portal lgbt.ba is now online!

The web platform lgbt-prava.ba is changing its name to lgbt.ba after more than a year and is thus becoming the foremost BiH LGBT info portal, a virtual space for the public and the LGBT community. We are re-introducing the portal with a completely new design, a familiar domain and content of even higher quality, in … Continued

A Kiss is not a Scandal – Events on the occasion of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

On May 17th, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed homosexuality from the list of internationally classified illnesses and, in so doing, confirmed the findings of the American Psychiatric Association that has already been brought forth in the 1970s. Since 2004, this date has been celebrated as International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and officially … Continued

Human Rights Finally Topic of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue

After taking part in the seminar on March 7, 2014 and sending the open letter to the BH Council of Ministers, the BH Directorate for European Integration, the EU Delegation in BiH and the European Commission, civil society organisations have been officially invited to be part of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice. The planary … Continued

Libela.org – ‘We Demand Special Report on LGBT rights’

Sarajevski otvoreni centar uputio je, ispred grupe bosanskohercegovačkih ljudskopravaških organizacija koje su se udružile u svrhu zajedničkog zagovaranja prava lezbejki, gej muškaraca, biseksualnih i transeksualnih osoba, Institituciji ombudsmena za ljudska prava u BiH prijedlog za izradu specijalnog izvještaja o stanju ljudskih prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovaj prijedlog nastao je na osnovu nedavnog … Continued

BHDani, April 18, 2014 – Love Does Not Choose…

Piše: Masha Durkalić Biseksualne osobe su dio LGBT zajednice koji se nerijetko zaboravlja pri različitim djelovanjima LGBT aktivizma. Biseksualci/ke, koji/e osjećaju seksualnu i emotivnu privlačnost prema oba spola, često nisu shvaćene ozbiljno kako u heteroseksualnim, tako i u LGBT krugovima, zbog vladajuće predrasude da je njihov seksualni identitet zapravo – faza Mirna (39) je udata … Continued

On Hate Crimes in BiH

Author: Edina Sprečaković Can you imagine a situation in which graffiti reading Serbs Should be Hanged or Kill the Fags welcomed you beneath your window? Would you be bothered if you were not the one targeted by this graffiti? Can you put yourself in the skin of the person experiencing fear and uncertainty on a … Continued

Prior to the UPR of BiH: No Positive Developments in the Field of Human Rights

For the upcoming Universal Periodical Review of BiH for the UN Council for Human Rights, BiH CSOs have prepared four statements. Sarajevo Open Centre made its contribution to two of the four reports as a participant of an informal coalition for human rights that gathered 20 CSOs from BiH under the Sexual Rights Initiative. Sarajevo … Continued