Request for all parliamentary parties – there must be a minimum of 40% female ministers in governments!

UntitledWomen’s Network BiH and the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina have sent a request to all parliamentary parties demanding full implementation of the Gender Equality Law and insisting that there must be a minimum of 40% female ministers in all governments.

Women’s Network BiH has previously, on 21st October 2014, sent a request to all parliamentary parties and Secretaries of all legislative bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, demanding full implementation of the Gender Equality Law in the formation of governments on all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the process of forming new governments, Women’s Network BiH and the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, require and expect full compliance and consistent application of the Gender Equality Law and therefore insist that the governments must be represented with at least 40% of the female ministers at cantonal, entity and state level.

These two coalitions will continue to persistently seek for a minimum of 40% of less represented gender to actually be elected in governments, and to seek an amendment to the existing Election Law, that has to be reformed so that the next general elections do not have only equal gender representation of at least 40% on the electoral lists, but also in the assemblies/parliaments and governments. Only in this manner the Gender Equality Law would be fully respected.


Women’s Network BiH

Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina